"Minnesota Quilters 30th Anniversary Quilt"
23" x 32"
Design and construction: Deb Madir
Fabrics: Cotton, embellished with silk fabric, metallic ribbon, crystals, beads
Technique: Machine applique, machine piecing
Signatures in ink on front: MQ members Shirley Arendt, Mary Brandt, Jean Carr, Sue Crouse, Rita Culshaw, Yvonne Curran, Pat Curtner, Kathie Simon Frank, Gail Hanson, Maree Ho, Terri Krysan, Karen Kopitske, Miki Peine, Loo Roos, Katalin S. Shier, Trish & Betsy Synneva, Linda K. Wines. These individuals were members of the show committee and the MQ Board.
Comments: The quilt was made for the challenge contest for the MQ show in 2008 where the theme was "Quilted Jewels". It was donated to MQ by the maker.
Quilt Index KID: 19-15-5811