MQ Newsletter Advertising Rates

MQ News is the newsletter for Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Over 900 copies are published and distributed to members 12 times a year. Ads and articles may be sent by email to [email protected] or by mail to:

Minnesota Quilters, Inc.
253 State Street
St Paul MN 55107-1612

Monthly Advertising Rates

Please contact the newsletter editor to place an ad or to submit an article or item. The newsletter is posted on the Newsletter page on the MQ website. All advertising fees must be included with any submitted advertising. All ads (except classifieds) must be submitted as JPG/JPEG, TIF, or PDF electronic files. The text for classified ads should be submitted via email to [email protected].

6 Months Pre-paid 12 Months Pre-paid
Ad Size Description
Monthly Rate
Monthly with
15% Discount
Cost 6 months
Monthly with
25% Discount
Cost 12 Months
Classified 3 lines / 30 words / 200 char $12.00 $10.20 $61.20 $9.00 $108.00
Additional lines (per 3 lines) $12.00 $10.20 $61.20 $9.00 $108.00
Business Card 3.5" x 2" (Horizontal Only) $25.00 $21.25 $127.50 $18.75 $225.00
1/4 Page 3.75" x 4.75" (Vertical Only) $45.00 $38.25 $229.50 $33.75 $405.00
1/3 Page 2.5" x 9.5" (Vertical Only) $55.00 $46.75 $280.50 $41.25 $495.00
1/2 Page Vertical - 3.75" x 9.5" or
Horizontal 7" x 4.75"
$85.00 $72.25 $433.50 $63.75 $765.00
Full Page 7.5" x 9.5" $175.00 $148.75 $892.50 $131.25 $1,575.00
Contact [email protected] or call (651) 224-3572 for other sizes


Please contact the Editor to place an ad or submit an article or item. The newsletter is posted on the Newsletter page on the MQ website. All advertising fees must be included with any submitted advertising. All ads (except classifieds) must be submitted as JPG/JPEG, TIF, or PDF electronic files. The text for classified ads should be submitted via email to [email protected].

For any month's issue when meeting dates are the first Thursday of the month and the following Saturday: That month's issue will be in members' hands by: The submission deadline is:
January End of December December 1st
February End of January January 1st
March End of February February 1st
April End of March March 1st
May End of April April 1st
June End of May May 1st
July End of June June 1st
August End of July July 1st
September End of August August 1st
October End of September September 1st
November End of October October 1st
December End of November November 1st
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