Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025
Time: 7PM
Location: Zoom (see March newsletter for link)
Non-members can buy Zoom tickets at the MQ Store
Linzee Kull McCray will present "The Story of Feed Sacks"
Long before "sustainability" was a household word, people reused the fabric bags that once held everything from animal feed and seed to sugar and flour to ballots, hams, and even laxatives. Based on her book Feed Sacks: The Colourful History of a Frugal Fabric, Linzee will share both the beauty of feed sacks and their importance in the social and economic history of the times in which they were made and used. The lecture features historic photos, vintage advertising, and examples of fabric prints. It will be of interest to lovers of fashion, textiles and design, historians, quilters, and those with an interest in sustainability.