Quilting for Others
Quilting for Others is MQ's main service project. We donate quilts of all sizes to a number of agencies, as well as placemats and Christmas stockings.
We offer kits of fabric with patterns that quilters can take home and sew. Once the tops are returned to us, we add backing fabric and batting and offer them to be quilted at home. We have Pick up and Drop off scheduled for Wednesdays from 11-1pm at MQ's home within Recovery Church, 253 State Street, Saint Paul. We also accept gently used and clean finished quilts.
All of our fabric has been donated by generous quilters or their families. Storage is limited so if you have fabric you would like to donate, please email us at [email protected]. We also work with several church quilting groups who also need fabric. We purchase batting though Hobbs batting company through their charitable organization donation program. We have an ongoing need for Hobbs UPC labels as well as cash donations. Labels can be sent to the MQ office.
Cash donations can be made on our Square site.
Keep up to date by joining the QFO Facebook page.
The current list of places we donate to is:
- Tubman Shelter for women: twin quilts
- Vinland Residential center for men: twin quilts
- Minnesota Visiting Nurses Association: baby quilts and kids quilts
- Hennepin County Medical Center Hospice program: any size quilt
- Meals on Wheels (and similar programs): placemats
- Catholic Charities: Christmas stockings
Occasionally, we have requests from other places which we try to honor if possible.
Work Days
Quilting for Others Work Days provide an opportunity for quilters to do one of their favorite things- Get together with other quilters and sew! We schedule these generally for the 4th Wednesday of the month from 10-2 at Recovery Church. Sometimes we skip a month so it is wise to check the MQ calendar before you come. If you want to sew, bring your machine and we will provide kits to sew. If you don't want to bring your machine, we always have fabric that needs to be cut for kits. We appreciate knowing how many people are planning to attend, so please drop a line to us at [email protected]. Bring a lunch, bring a friend, we hope to see you there!

Projects and Patterns
Chemotherapy Port Pillows
Chemotherapy port pillows are distributed to patients who are going through chemotherapy treatment and have a portacath placed beneath their skin. The pillow attaches to a seat belt to provide cushion between the port and the seat belt, making car rides more comfortable for patients. Gender and age-neutral patterns and colors are highly recommended and preferred so they can be used for all patient populations.
Click here for pillow instructions. *Pattern courtesy of University of Iowa Health Care, adapted from and Create to Donate.

Christmas Stockings
Making Christmas stockings for children in shelters is an annual service project for Minnesota Quilters. The stockings are made so that kids who have very little will have a brighter holiday. Click here for the stocking pattern. The pattern prints on five 8.5" x 11" sheets of paper, and 4 get taped together to create the stocking pattern.
- Minnesota Quilters members make and donate placemats to programs that deliver meals in Minnesota.
- Placemat size should be about 12" x 15"
- Here is a pattern for an easy self-bordered placemat.
- Gudrun Erla has a quick tutorial for making placements. Click here for the tutorial for Anyday Placemats.

Heart String Quilts
Pictured at left, a Heart String quilt is a great way to use up your scraps. You don't have to make an entire quilt if you don't want to; just make some blocks. Pick up the muslin squares and red center strips at any MQ meeting, add your own scraps, and return the completed squares to another MQ meeting. Click here for full instructions.
String Stars Quilts
A String Stars quilt is another great way to use up your scraps. Watch the video at left to see how to make these blocks.
Ongoing Needs for Heart Strings and String Stars projects:
- Quilt backs, 80" x 100". Backs can be pieced backs or a donation of 6 yards of fabric.
- Red fat quarters. 9 strips for the Heart String Blocks can be cut from one fat quarter. 3 yards of red fabric will make enough strips for a twin quilt.
- Muslin. 3 1/2 yards are needed for each twin quilt. 25 yards @ $1.99 a yard (per bolt) with a Joann's 40% off coupon would cost $33.
- It doesn't have to be a Heart Strings quilt! Any twin quilt tops are also appreciated. Do you have an extra quilt top (or two, or three) in your studio?
- Long-armers willing to quilt the quilts.
- Batting for the twin quilts, 80" x 100" inches. Batting can be pieced or yardage.
Five and Dime Quilts
This is a simple quilt that can be made in several sizes. Here are cutting and assembly instructions for Twin and Baby sizes.

Baby Quilts
Minnesota Quilters members make baby quilts that are donated to the Minnesota Visiting Nurses Program.
Any design suitable for a baby is fine. Here are a few easy patterns.
Recommended baby quilt size is less than 41" wide and less than 45" long. A quilt this size can be used as a play mat or used by parents to cover a child in a stroller during Minnesota's long winters. The quilt will cover the child and not drag under the wheels of the stroller when using public transportation.
Donations of batting for baby quilts are welcome!
Wheelchair Quilts
Nursing homes occasionally request wheelchair quilts for their residents.
Any design suitable for men or women is fine.
Recommended wheelchair quilt size is 40x40 inches.